
  It ain't no use tellin' all I done

  "It ain't no use tellin' all I done, but I had full swing, and atfust I thought luck was in my dish sure. But it warn't, seein' Ididn't deserve it,mont blanc pens, and I had to take my mess of trouble, which wasneedful and nourishin,' ef I'd had the grace to see it so.

  "Lisha got into debt, and no wonder, with me a wastin' of hissubstance; Hen'retta went off suddin', with whatever she could layher hands on, and everything was at sixes and sevens. Lisha'spatience give out at last, for I was dreadful fractious, knowin' itwas all my fault. The children seemed to git out of sorts, too, andacted like time in the primer, with croup and pins, andwhoopin'-cough and temper. I declare I used to think the pots andkettles biled over to spite each other and me too in them days.

  "All this was nuts to Mis Bascum, and she kep' advisin' andencouragin' of me, and I didn't see through her a mite, or guessthat settin' folks by the ears was as relishin' to her as bitters isto some,fake uggs boots. Merciful, suz! what a piece a work we did make betwixt us,cheap designer handbags!

  I scolded and moped 'cause I couldn't have my way; Lisha swore andthreatened to take to drinkin' ef I didn't make home morecomfortable; the children run wild, and the house was gittin' toohot to hold us, when we was brought up with a round turn, and I seethe redicklousness of my doin's in time.

  "One day Lisha come home tired and cross, for bills was pressin',work slack, and folks talkin' about us as ef they 'd nothin' else todo. I was dishin' up dinner, feelin' as nervous as a witch, for awhole batch of bread had burnt to a cinder while I was trimmin' anew bunnet, Wash had scart me most to death swallerin' a cent, andthe steak had been on the floor more'n once, owin' to my havin'

  babies, dogs, cats, or hens under my feet the whole blessed time.

  "Lisha looked as black as thunder, throwed his hat into a corner,and came along to the sink where I was skinnin' pertaters. As hewashed his hands, I asked what the matter was; but he only mutteredand slopped, and I couldn't git nothin' out of him, for he ain'ttalkative at the best of times as you see, and when he's werriedcorkscrews wouldn't draw a word from him.

  "Bein' riled myself didn't mend matters, and so we fell to hectorin'

  one another right smart. He said somethin' that dreened my last dropof patience; I give a sharp answer, and fust thing I knew he up withhis hand and slapped me. It warn't a hard blow by no means, only akind of a wet spat side of the head; but I thought I should haveflew, and was as mad as ef I'd been knocked down. You never see aman look so 'shamed as Lisha did, and ef I'd been wise I should havemade up the quarrel then. But I was a fool. I jest flung fork, dish,pertaters and all into the pot, and says, as ferce as you please:

  "'Lisha Wilkins, when you can treat me decent you may come and fetchme back; you won't see me till then, and so I tell you,knockoff handbags.'

  "Then I made a bee-line for Mis Bascum's; told her the whole story,had a good cry, and was all ready to go home in half an hour, butLisha didn't come.

