
He knew Harrington

He knew Harrington, of course, the fellow in the blue striped blazer. He went up to the collegian at once.
"I guess you know me," he said. "I'm Roy Pell, Rex's brother. I came up to find out what you could tell me about him."
The three fellows exchanged glances.
"Why, isn't he home?" answered Harrington,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots.
"No. When did he leave New Haven?"
"He hasn't been to New Haven," replied Harrington slowly.
"Not been here!" exclaimed Roy. "Where did you leave him, then?"
"In New York."
"Wednesday night"
"Was he going home?"
"I don't know," and Harrington looked confused as he made this unsatisfactory answer.
Chapter 23 A Telegram
Roy saw at a glance that something was being concealed from him.
"How is it you don't know where Rex went when he left you,nike shox torch 2?" he inquired.
"Well, I didn't see which way he went when he left the hotel," answered Harrington. "I supposed though, he went home, and am surprised to hear he isn't there. Atkins, here, may be able to tell you more than I can. Mr. Atkins, this is Roy Pell, Reggie's brother."
The pleasantest faced fellow in the room came forward and put out his hand.
"I'm glad to meet you, Pell," he said, "and wish I could give you some definite information about your brother. I thought with Harri here that he was certainly at home." He glanced over at the other two, who were softly strumming their banjoes in the window seat. "Come across the hall into my room," he added.
"Good day, Mr. Harrington," called out Roy, and followed Atkins.
He could see that Harrington was relieved to have him go.
"Now I'll tell you the straight of it, Pell," began Atkins, when he had invited his visitor to make himself comfortable in one of the many lounging chairs with which the apartment abounded. "You see, Harrington brought your brother to one of the pre-term time jollifications some of the fellows think they must have before coming up here. I was there. I didn't care about going very much,Replica Designer Handbags, but my room mate would go, and I went to take care of him more than anything else.
"Well, all the fellows except your brother and myself were more than half seas over before midnight. He became disgusted and got out. I was busy with Cheever, and didn't have time to question him. Naturally Harrington feels a little sore over the thing. But he hadn't any idea your brother hadn't gone home till he got your telegrams,Discount UGG Boots."
"But Rex-- where do you suppose he is all this time?" Roy was terribly anxious. The whole affair was much worse than he had anticipated.
He was glad of one thing, though; that Rex had been disgusted with the orgy.
"I wish I could tell you," answered Atkins. "I managed to get Cheever over to our house before morning. I don't know what Harrington said about young Pell's disappearance when he came to himself."
"What did Reggie want to go with such fellows for?" groaned Roy. "But the wonder to me is why Harrington ever took him up. There must be at least five years' difference in their ages."
"Oh, Harri appeared to be quite fond of him. I guess your brother flattered him some. Dudley can stand a deal of that."

