
Discount Louis Vuitton Writing Acrostic Poetry_4605

A poem written in such a way that most often the special letters come in the beginning of each line, but may be placed elsewhere too is known as acrostic poetry. In such literature the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message. Such literature is used to help in memory retrieval. Some poets refer to it as a name poem, it uses a word for its subject. This poetry form does not need to rhyme.

Different ways of writing

Some times this literature is such that the letters of the alphabets are spelled out in an order. It is known as Abecedarians. If you ever go through the medieval literature such use of alphabets are very common. They were mostly used in order to highlight the name of the poet or his patron, or for making prayers to a saint. They were usually written in the style of verse but at the same time we can see them prose as well.

It depends up on the will of the person as to if he wants to highlight his writing or wants it to be concealed enough. In order to make the reader perceive his literature and make it eye catching he may use Capital letters with rich decoration and innovative fonts, whereas at the same time he may use the key letter in the same way the rest of the letters are used. By aligning his words in such a way the relationship between the key letters becomes less obvious and cannot be noticed easily. This special technique of writing was used during the time of the Renaissance, where they used to conceal the message by changing the position of the key words and write the poem using the key words in the end instead of using them in the beginning. We can make such poems much more sophisticated by using words as initial instead of letters. In such of literature we can have words in the beginning as well as at the end of each line.

How to write acrostic poetry

Firstly we should write the subject of our poem vertically and then we can start brainstorming a list of words/ideas to include in the poem. We can think of any word that might go with the subject word. We can not only try to think of only the words that begin with the letters in the subject word, but can list anything. We can make the words/ideas fit later. Now we can start deciding how they might fit into the poem. Often a word we want to put into the poem doesn't begin with the letters found in the subject word. Thereby, we should think as to how that word could be put into a sentence that begins with a letter from the subject word. This is how we are able to describe the subject or even tell a brief story about it.

You can find acrostic poetry online. All poets do not write this style of poetry.


