
Discount Louis Vuitton White Rubber Bands_11260

Types Of Rubber Bands

There are different kinds of rubber bands. The standard rubber bands i.e. general purpose rubber bands for holding certain household or handy things together. Industrial rubber bands i.e. rubber bands used for industrial jobs; these are heavy duty and can stretch 3 to 4 times their length. Latex free rubber bands i.e. rubber bands that are free of latex (the natural rubber protein). Latex causes an allergic reaction in some that is why latex free rubber bands were invented. Produce rubber bands i.e. bands used to hold large bundles of produce together (example Broccoli). High temperature rubber bands i.e. bands that are developed specifically to withstand high temperatures (hot or cold) and not lose their elasticity and shape.
Uses Of Rubber Bands

Rubber bands come in all shapes, sizes and colors (example white rubber bands). Rubber bands can be used for any number of things; to bind, to build (example model air planes), to decorate etc. Nowadays, rubber bands are being used as a fashion statement i.e. the rubber bands that are worn around the wrists. These wrist rubber bands are known as silicone wristbands. The bands are being used as a symbol or to denote various causes (charity) and/or personal reminders (example; �I will not complain?band).
White Rubber Bands

White rubber bands are usually produced in China. China is in the forefront for producing high grade rubber bands. These come in all shapes and sizes. The sizes can be altered (manufactured) according to your preference. The white silicone rubber bands can be molded into any shape that you may want, for example animal shapes, musical instruments shapes, cartoon shapes etc.

Uses Of White Rubber Bands

* These rubber bands can also be custom made for orthodontic uses, for example as ligatures for the braces.
* As mentioned above, white rubber bands are also very popular for silicone wristbands.
* As straps for wrist watches; these have turned out to be extremely popular among sport watches
* Decorative purposes; etc

White rubber bands can be used for many different circumstances and/or activities, and can be easily fashioned according to your needs.


