
coach outlet factory What To Consider When Choosing A Parlor For Your Tattoo Designs_30251

There are many things to consider when choosing a tattoo parlor especially if this is your first tattoo.

You must make sure that you feel comfortable in the tattoo shop and with the tattoo artist. Often having a friend go with you to have a tattoo done as well can help relieve some of the pressure and nerves you may face when having your first tattoo

When choosing a tattoo artist you should make sure that they use new, sterile equipment for each client or that they thoroughly clean and sterilize the equipment used. These standard precautions will reduce the risk of infection and other diseases which is important when dealing with needles and blood. Be sure that all needles are opened in front of you so that you have piece of mind that they have not been used on a previous client.

The tattoo parlor should be well lit with a bright natural light if possible, as that will show the true nature of the colors used and will also give you a better idea of what the tattoo will actually look like once inked.

The tattoo artist must have the appropriate credentials, license and references to ensure they are capable to carry out your tattoo design. If the tattoo artist is a professional then they will be more than happy to show the ways in which their tattoo parlor adheres to a safe standard of practice. If they give you a hard time or are uncooperative with any of your requests simply leave as they do not deserve your trust or your business.

Having a tattoo by an accredited professional is relatively risk free, but you must be aware of the following risks:

Serious infection such as Hepatitis B, C, Tetanus or HIV which are passed on via infected blood or other bodily fluids.

Skin infections such as impetigo, dermatitis, flare up of existing eczema, keloids (thick scars on dark skin) and other allergic reactions.

Remember that a tattoo is a permanent investment and you must be sure that the parlor is clean and hygienic.


