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Suddenly a better frame of mind prevailed. The sky was no lighter, save as the lightning came to relieve the overwhelming darkness by a still more overwhelming glare, nor were the waves less importunate or his hold on the spar more secure; but the horror seemed to have lifted, and the practical nature of the man reasserted itself. Other men had gone through worse dangers than these and survived to tell the tale, as he might survive to tell his. The will was all — will and an indomitable courage; and he had will and he had courage, or why had he left his home to dare a hard and threatening future purely from a sentiment of gratitude? Could he hold on long enough, daylight would come; and if, as he now thought possible, he had been thrown into the sea within twenty hours after leaving Sutherlandtown, then he must be not far from Cape Cod, and in the direct line of travel from New York to Boston. Rescue would come, and if the storm which was breaking over his head more and more furiously made it difficult for him to retain his hold, it certainly would not wreck his spar or drench him more than he was already drenched, while every blast would drive him shoreward. The clinging was all, and filial love would make him do that, even in the semi-unconsciousness which now and then swept over him. Only, would it not be better for Mr. Sutherland if he should fail and drop away into the yawning chasms of the unknown world beneath? There were moments when he thought so, and then his clutch perceptibly weakened; but only once did he come near losing his hold altogether. And that was when he thought he heard a laugh. A laugh, here in the midst of ocean! in the midst of storm! a laugh! Were demons a reality, then? Yes; but the demon he had heard was of his own imagination; it had a face of Medusa sweetness and the laugh — Only Amabel’s rang out so thrillingly false, and with such diabolic triumph. Amabel, who might be laughing in her dreams at this very moment of his supreme misery, and who assuredly would laugh if conscious of his suffering and aware of the doom to which his self-sacrifice had brought him. Amabel! the thought of her made the night more dark, the waters more threatening, the future less promising. Yet he would hold on if only to spite her who hated him and whom he hated almost as much as he loved Mr. Sutherland.
It was his last conscious thought for hours. When morning broke he was but a nerveless figure, with sense enough to cling, and that was all.
Chapter 25 The Adventure of the Parcel
“A man! Haul him in! Don’t leave a poor fellow drifting about like that.”
The speaker, a bluff, hearty skipper, whose sturdy craft had outridden one of the worst storms of the season, pointed to our poor friend Sweetwater, whose head could just be seen above the broken spar he clung to. In another moment a half-dozen hands were stretched for him, and the insensible form was drawn in and laid on a deck which still showed the results of the night’s fierce conflict with the waters.
“Damn it! how ugly he is!” cried one of the sailors, with a leer at the half-drowned man’s face. “I’d like to see the lass we’d please in saving him. He’s only fit to poison a devil-fish!”


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But he went; and, when he was gone, Lady Dashfort exclaimed, “That man has escaped from me.” After a pause, turning to her daughter, she, in the most taunting and contemptuous terms, reproached her as the cause of this failure, concluding by a declaration, that she must in future manage her own affairs, and had best settle her mind to marry Heathcock, since every one else was too wise to think of her.
Lady Isabel of course retorted. But we leave this amiable mother and daughter to recriminate in appropriate terms, and we follow our hero, rejoiced that he has been disentangled from their snares. Those who have never been in similar peril will wonder much that he did not escape sooner; those who have ever been in like danger will wonder more that he escaped at all. They who are best acquainted with the heart or imagination of man will be most ready to acknowledge that the combined charms of wit, beauty, and flattery, may, for a time, suspend the action of right reason in the mind of the greatest philosopher, or operate against the resolutions of the greatest of heroes.
Lord Colambre pursued his way to Halloran Castle, desirous, before he quitted this part of the country, to take leave of the count, who had shown him much civility, and for whose honourable conduct and generous character he had conceived a high esteem, which no little peculiarities of antiquated dress or manner could diminish. Indeed, the old-fashioned politeness of what was formerly called a well-bred gentleman pleased him better than the indolent or insolent selfishness of modern men of the ton. Perhaps, notwithstanding our hero’s determination to turn his mind from every thing connected with the idea of Miss Nugent, some latent curiosity about the burial-place of the Nugents might have operated to make him call upon the count. In this hope he was disappointed; for a cross miller, to whom the abbey-ground was let, on which the burial-place was found, had taken it into his head to refuse admittance, and none could enter his ground.
Count O’Halloran was much pleased by Lord Colambre’s visit. The very day of his arrival at Halloran Castle, the count was going to Oranmore; he was dressed, and his carriage was waiting: therefore Lord Colambre begged that he might not detain him, and the count requested his lordship to accompany him.
“Let me have the honour of introducing you, my lord, to a family, with whom, I am persuaded, you will he pleased; by whom you will be appreciated; and at whose house you will have an opportunity of seeing the best manner of living of the Irish nobility.”
Lord Colambre accepted the invitation, and was introduced at Oranmore. The dignified appearance and respectable character of Lady Oranmore; the charming unaffected manners of her daughters; the air of domestic happiness and comfort in her family; the becoming magnificence, free from ostentation, in her whole establishment; the respect and affection with which she was treated by all who approached her, delighted and touched Lord Colambre; the more, perhaps, because he had heard this family so unjustly abused; and because he saw Lady Oranmore and her daughter in immediate contrast with Lady Dashfort and Lady Isabel.

LV Outlet Chapter 1 To write the praises of Agesilaus in language equalling his virtue and renown is

Chapter 1
To write the praises of Agesilaus in language equalling his virtue and renown is, I know, no easy task; yet must it be essayed; since it were but an ill requital of pre-eminence, that, on the ground of his perfection, a good man should forfeit the tribute even of imperfect praise.
As touching, therefore, the excellency of his birth, what weightier, what nobler testimony can be adduced than this one fact? To the commemorative list of famous ancestry is added today the name1 Agesilaus as holding this or that numerical descent from Heracles, and these ancestors no private persons, but kings sprung from the loins of kings. Nor is it open to the gainsayer to contend that they were kings indeed but of some chance city. Not so, but even as their family holds highest honour in their fatherland, so too is their city the most glorious in Hellas, whereby they hold, not primacy over the second best, but among leaders they have leadership.
And herein it is open to us to praise both his fatherland and his family. It is notable that never throughout these ages has Lacedaemon, out of envy of the privilege accorded to her kings, tried to dissolve their rule; nor ever yet throughout these ages have her kings strained after greater powers than those which limited their heritage of kingship from the first. Wherefore, while all other forms of government, democracies and oligarchies, tyrannies and monarchies, alike have failed to maintain their continuity unbroken, here, as the sole exception, endures indissolubly their kingship.2
And next in token of an aptitude for kingship seen in Agesilaus, before even he entered upon office, I note these signs. On the death of Agis, king of Lacedaemon, there were rival claimants to the throne. Leotychides claimed the succession as being the son of Agis, and Agesilaus as the son of Archidamus. But the verdict of Lacedaemon favoured Agesilaus as being in point of family and virtue unimpeachable,3 and so they set him on the throne. And yet, in this princeliest of cities so to be selected by the noblest citizens as worthy of highest privilege, argues, methinks conclusively, an excellence forerunning exercise of rule.4
And so I pass on at once to narrate the chief achievements of his reign, since by the light of deeds the character of him who wrought them will, if I mistake not, best shine forth.
Agesilaus was still a youth5 when he obtained the kingdom, and he was still but a novice in his office when the news came that the king of Persia was collecting a mighty armament by sea and land for the invasion of Hellas. The Lacedaemonians and their allies sat debating these matters, when Agesilaus undertook to cross over into Asia. He only asked for thirty Spartans and two thousand New Citizens,6 besides a contingent of the allies six thousand strong; with these he would cross over into Asia and endeavour to effect a peace; or, if the barbarian preferred war, he would leave him little leisure to invade Hellas.
The proposal was welcomed with enthusiasm on the part of many. They could not but admire the eagerness of their king to retaliate upon the Persian for his former invasions of Hellas by counter-invasion on his own soil. They liked the preference also which he showed for attacking rather than awaiting his enemy’s attack, and his intention to carry on the war at the expense of Persia rather than that of Hellas; but it was the perfection of policy, they felt, so to change the arena of battle, with Asia as the prize of victory instead of Hellas. If we pass on to the moment when he had received his army and set sail, I can conceive no clearer exposition of his generalship than the bare narration of his exploits.

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Impatiently I awaited the geisha girls. In the tiny maidens glided at last, clad in exquisite trailing, angel-sleeved kimonos. The girls bow gracefully, bending down until their heads touch their knees, then kneeling before us murmur gently a greeting which sounds like “Koinbanwa!” drawing in their breath with a long, hissing suction, which is a token of great honor. The musicians sat down on the floor and began an alarming din upon samisens, drums and gongs, singing meanwhile through their pretty noses. If the noses were not so pretty I am sure the music would be unbearable to one who has ever heard a chest note. The geisha girls stand posed with open fan in hand above their heads, ready to begin the dance. They are very short with the slenderest of slender waists. Their soft and tender eyes are made blacker by painted lashes and brows; their midnight hair, stiffened with a gummy wash, is most wonderfully dressed in large coils and ornamented with gold and silver flowers and gilt paper pom-pons. The younger the girl the more gay is her hair. Their kimonos, of the most exquisite material, trail all around them, and are loosely held together at the waist with an obi-sash; their long flowing sleeves fall back, showing their dimpled arms and baby hands. Upon their tiny feet they wear cunning white linen socks cut with a place for the great toe. When they go out they wear wooden sandals. The Japanese are the only women I ever saw who could rouge and powder and be not repulsive, but the more charming because of it. They powder their faces and have a way of reddening their under lip just at the tip that gives them a most tempting look. The lips look like two luxurious cherries. The musicians begin a long chanting strain, and these bits of beauty begin the dance. With a grace, simply enchanting, they twirl their little fans, sway their dainty bodies in a hundred different poses, each one more intoxicating than the other, all the while looking so childish and shy, with an innocent smile lurking about their lips, dimpling their soft cheeks, and their black eyes twinkling with the pleasure of the dance. After the dance the geisha girls made friends with me, examining, with surprised delight, my dress, my bracelets, my rings, my boots-to them the most wonderful and extraordinary things,-my hair, my gloves, indeed they missed very little, and they approved of all. They said I was very sweet, and urged me to come again, and in honor of the custom of my land-the Japanese never kiss-they pressed their soft, pouting lips to mine in parting.
Japanese women know nothing whatever of bonnets, and may they never! On rainy days they tie white scarfs over their wonderful hair-dressing, but at other times they waddle bareheaded, with fan and umbrella, along the streets on their wooden clogs. They have absolutely no furniture. Their bed is a piece of matting, their pillows, narrow blocks of wood, probably six inches in length, two wide and six high. They rest the back of the neck on the velvet covered top, so their wonderful hair remains dressed for weeks at a time. Their tea and pipe always stand beside them, so they can partake of their comforts the last thing before sleep and the first thing after.

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In addition to the points mentioned above, it is extremely important that your follow any requests given to you by international airport security officials. Unlike in the United States, where you may just receive a warning for your inappropriate behavior or actions, you may be subject to additional consequences. Those additional consequences, which may include being arrested by local authorities, will vary from country to country. Regardless of what the consequences are, it is still advised that you follow any instructions given to you, by international flight crews or by airport security.

By keeping the above mentioned information in mind, you should have nothing to worry about. The truth is that as long as you think before you speak or act, you should be okay, even in an international airport or a foreign country.


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When I went to the office to say good-bye, I found that no itinerary had been made of my contemplated trip and there was some doubt as to whether the mail train which I expected to take to Brindisi, left London every Friday night. Nor did we know whether the week of my expected arrival in London was the one in which it connected with the ship for India or the ship for China. In fact when I arrived at Brindisi and found the ship was bound for Australia, I was the most surprised girl in the world.
I followed a man who had been sent to a steamship company’s office to try to make out a schedule and help them arrange one as best they could on this side of the water. How near it came to being correct can be seen later on.
I have been asked very often since my return how many changes of clothing I took in my solitary hand-bag. Some have thought I took but one; others think I carried silk which occupies but little space, and others have asked if I did not buy what I needed at the different ports.
One never knows the capacity of an ordinary hand-satchel until dire necessity compels the exercise of all one’s ingenuity to reduce every thing to the smallest possible compass. In mine I was able to pack two traveling caps, three veils, a pair of slippers, a complete outfit of toilet articles, ink-stand, pens, pencils, and copy-paper, pins, needles and thread, a dressing gown, a tennis blazer, a small flask and a drinking cup, several complete changes of underwear, a liberal supply of handkerchiefs and fresh ruchings and most bulky and uncompromising of all, a jar of cold cream to keep my face from chapping in the varied climates I should encounter.
That jar of cold cream was the bane of my existence. It seemed to take up more room than everything else in the bag and was always getting into just the place that would keep me from closing the satchel. Over my arm I carried a silk waterproof, the only provision I made against rainy weather. After-experience showed me that I had taken too much rather than too little baggage. At every port where I stopped at I could have bought anything from a ready-made dress down, except possibly at Aden, and as I did not visit the shops there I cannot speak from knowledge.
The possibilities of having any laundry work done during my rapid progress was one which had troubled me a good deal before starting. I had equipped myself on the theory that only once or twice in my journey would I be able to secure the services of a laundress. I knew that on the railways it would be impossible, but the longest railroad travel was the two days spent between London and Brindisi, and the four days between San Francisco and New York. On the Atlantic steamers they do no washing. On the Peninsular and Oriental steamers-which everyone calls the P. & O. boats-between Brindisi and China, the quartermaster turns out each day a wash that would astonish the largest laundry in America. Even if no laundry work was done on the ships, there are at all of the ports where they stop plenty of experts waiting to show what Orientals can do in the washing line. Six hours is ample time for them to perform their labors and when they make a promise to have work done in a certain time, they are prompt to the minute. Probably it is because they have no use for clothes themselves, but appreciate at its full value the money they are to receive for their labor. Their charges, compared with laundry prices in New York, are wonderfully low.

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“Consciously?” I murmured.
“Consciously? You may just as well ask my shadow that lay so still by me on the young grass in that morning sunshine. I never knew before how still I could keep. It wasn’t the stillness of terror. I remained, knowing perfectly well that if I ran he was not the man to run after me. I remember perfectly his deep-toned, politely indifferent ‘Restez donc.’ He was mistaken. Already then I hadn’t the slightest intention to move. And if you ask me again how far conscious all this was the nearest answer I can make you is this: that I remained on purpose, but I didn’t know for what purpose I remained. Really, that couldn’t be expected. . . . Why do you sigh like this? Would you have preferred me to be idiotically innocent or abominably wise?”
“These are not the questions that trouble me,” I said. “If I sighed it is because I am weary.”
“And getting stiff, too, I should say, in this Pompeiian armchair. You had better get out of it and sit on this couch as you always used to do. That, at any rate, is not Pompeiian. You have been growing of late extremely formal, I don’t know why. If it is a pose then for goodness’ sake drop it. Are you going to model yourself on Captain Blunt? You couldn’t, you know. You are too young.”
“I don’t want to model myself on anybody,” I said. “And anyway Blunt is too romantic; and, moreover, he has been and is yet in love with you — a thing that requires some style, an attitude, something of which I am altogether incapable.”
“You know it isn’t so stupid, this what you have just said. Yes, there is something in this.”
“I am not stupid,” I protested, without much heat.
“Oh, yes, you are. You don’t know the world enough to judge. You don’t know how wise men can be. Owls are nothing to them. Why do you try to look like an owl? There are thousands and thousands of them waiting for me outside the door: the staring, hissing beasts. You don’t know what a relief of mental ease and intimacy you have been to me in the frankness of gestures and speeches and thoughts, sane or insane, that we have been throwing at each other. I have known nothing of this in my life but with you. There had always been some fear, some constraint, lurking in the background behind everybody, everybody — except you, my friend.”
“An unmannerly, Arcadian state of affairs. I am glad you like it. Perhaps it’s because you were intelligent enough to perceive that I was not in love with you in any sort of style.”
“No, you were always your own self, unwise and reckless and with something in it kindred to mine, if I may say so without offence.”
“You may say anything without offence. But has it never occurred to your sagacity that I just, simply, loved you?”
“Just — simply,” she repeated in a wistful tone.
“You didn’t want to trouble your head about it, is that it?”
“My poor head. From your tone one might think you yearned to cut it off. No, my dear, I have made up my mind not to lose my head.”
“You would be astonished to know how little I care for your mind.”
“Would I? Come and sit on the couch all the same,” she said after a moment of hesitation. Then, as I did not move at once, she added with indifference: “You may sit as far away as you like, it’s big enough, goodness knows.”


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He might, I repeat, have prepared such sketches; for those before us were quite obviously compiled, as our own had been, from late sculptures somewhere in the glacial labyrinth, though not from the ones which we had seen and used. But what the art-blind bungler could never have done was to execute those sketches in a strange and assured technique perhaps superior, despite haste and carelessness, to any of the decadent carvings from which they were taken — the characteristic and unmistakable technique of the Old Ones themselves in the dead city’s heyday.
There are those who will say Danforth and I were utterly mad not to flee for our lives after that; since our conclusions were now — notwithstanding their wildness — completely fixed, and of a nature I need not even mention to those who have read my account as far as this. Perhaps we were mad — for have I not said those horrible peaks were mountains of madness? But I think I can detect something of the same spirit — albeit in a less extreme form — in the men who stalk deadly beasts through African jungles to photograph them or study their habits. Half paralyzed with terror though we were, there was nevertheless fanned within us a blazing flame of awe and curiosity which triumphed in the end.
Of course we did not mean to face that — or those — which we knew had been there, but we felt that they must be gone by now. They would by this time have found the other neighboring entrance to the abyss, and have passed within, to whatever night-black fragments of the past might await them in the ultimate gulf — the ultimate gulf they had never seen. Or if that entrance, too, was blocked, they would have gone on to the north seeking another. They were, we remembered, partly independent of light.
Looking back to that moment, I can scarcely recall just what precise form our new emotions took — just what change of immediate objective it was that so sharpened our sense of expectancy. We certainly did not mean to face what we feared — yet I will not deny that we may have had a lurking, unconscious wish to spy certain things from some hidden vantage point. Probably we had not given up our zeal to glimpse the abyss itself, though there was interposed a new goal in the form of that great circular place shown on the crumpled sketches we had found. We had at once recognized it as a monstrous cylindrical tower figuring in the very earliest carvings, but appearing only as a prodigious round aperture from above. Something about the impressiveness of its rendering, even in these hasty diagrams, made us think that its subglacial levels must still form a feature of peculiar importance. Perhaps it embodied architectural marvels as yet unencountered by us. It was certainly of incredible age according to the sculptures in which it figured — being indeed among the first things built in the city. Its carvings, if preserved, could not but be highly significant. Moreover, it might form a good present link with the upper world — a shorter route than the one we were so carefully blazing, and probably that by which those others had descended.

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When speaking in terms of the political excessive we should initial define what is meant by "extreme." Most scholars will agree that political extremism could be outlined as a political philosophy or ideology of a character and kind that is farthest eliminated from the ordinary or typical. It is the farthest from the middle, outermost or endmost. It is heading or performing the utmost to very fantastic lengths towards the political left or correct in motion, habit, or opinion.

With this in mind it is fair to say that the physique politic of the Untied States has largely shifted to two extremes - liberal and conservative, as defined by the plat forms of each the democratic and republican events. The dilemma is that neither celebration views themselves as being "extreme." But, both parties categorically outline each other by these excessive phrases. They're fully able to seeing the awful nature of the extremist positions of their opposition but not in on their own. That is more then troubling, it's dangerous. Let's get a good look at each extremes.

Liberalism was once philosophically favorable to progress and reform in political or religious affairs, but with out defying the basic tenets and principals with the structure or Holy Scripture. Liberalism was favorable to and in accord with concepts of optimum individual freedom inside a society and authorities that was free from prejudice and bigotry. Liberalism advocated tolerance and generosity. Liberals were patriots and champions of freedom. Now evaluate this to modern day liberalism.

Modern-day liberalism can best be outlined as "secular progressivism" in an accurate Bill O'Reilly sense. Little doubt about it, this is extreme. Modern day liberalism will redistribute wealth by targeting the affluent for many with the government's income. They totally embrace the "rob Peter to spend Paul" mentality. This form of secular progressive liberalism wholly embraces the "welfare state" and is really a champion of illegality with respect to illicit drug use and illegal immigration. Tough work and ingenuity will probably be taxed and penalized while laziness and illegal immigration will probably be rewarded via earnings redistribution.

Modern-day liberalism embraces lax school self-discipline on American children to promote the so-called "liberties of minors." It'll even go as far as to deprive parents of their correct to form and discipline their own off spring via attempted and tested (and biblically supported) cross-generational and universally accepted standards. This includes the occasional spanking (to not be confused with abusive beating). Instead secular progressive liberalism would substitute this with a new social order that claims to understand what is much better for children then their mother and father. They'd assume/replace duty for children from their mother and father. It is Orwellian in scope.

Modern-day liberalism has a "one-world" approach to US foreign policy. It will fortunately abdicate American sovereignty to the Untied Nations and a new world order. Modern day liberalism wholly embraces all method of ethical perversities from pornography in literature, film, art and music to all method of sexual promiscuity. All of this is done within the name of "self-expression" and a disturbing interpretation with the initial amendments correct to the "freedom of expression." It does not subject just how much societal harm this does both. The concentrate on "individual rights" trumps the rights of an entire society beneath this new and contemporary secular progressive type of liberalism.

Modern day liberals call on their own "patriots" yet will do and say practically anything which will disgrace or do harm to their very own country. With few exceptions, modern day liberals seldom serve their country but believe absolutely nothing of attacking those who do. Modern day liberalism, in contrast to the liberalism of yesteryear, largely defines the meaning of "coward." Modern day liberalism has misplaced its generosity, sense of fairness and fair play, and its patriotism.

Most modern-day liberals are lazy. They believe they are owed everything but deserve virtually nothing. Few amongst them earn all that they have. They're a lot much more "takers" then they are "givers." They are perpetual spoiled brats, even in to center age and past. Modern-day liberals are extremely stingy with their own cash but they will fortunately give away everyone else's. They advocate homosexual rights but operate diligently to deny "Christian rights." Modern-day liberalism bears naked hostility to religious values and their expression in public. They even flaunt obscene perversities in the face of Christians in the name of progressive free expression. They care absolutely nothing about those they offend.

Modern-day liberalism embraces freedom only for its own ideals although denying the ideals, philosophies, and thoughts of any opposing view. Liberalism that was once the champion of "tolerance" has now become the most intolerant political ideology imaginable. Modern-day secular progressive liberalism personifies the evil of hatred toward those that fail to share their views and these liberals would outright do harm if they could. This secular progressive liberalism is mean-spirited, scary, and very harmful.

Conservatism was once viewed as the inclination in politics to take care of the existing traditional order. Political conservatives urged caution or moderation, as a conduct outlook. They were rigid constitutional constructionists and were strong on nationwide defense problems and staunch supporters of the military and military veterans. They had been devout American patriots, almost to a spiritual level. Conservatives clearly embraced the free marketplace ideal and also the entrepreneurial spirit. They believed in fiscal responsibility in authorities to incorporate limiting investing and taxation. They were strong on faith issues and supporters of religious freedom and expression. They deemed on their own to become the "champions of family." Conservatism was a political philosophy and attitude that emphasized respect for traditional establishments, and distrust of authorities and governmental activism. Conservatism was in strong opposition to sudden alter in the established order. Conservatism had a coronary heart. Now let's get a look at modern-day conservatism.

Modern-day conservatism might be much better defined as "progressive fascism." Not in terms of a governmental system led by a single dictator but relatively by a "powerful elite" that I call the "fascist elite." One person may seem to become in charge but she or he is responsive to the facist elite. One should go through a "rights of passage" to gain membership on this highly choose "fascist elite" internal circle. The "fascist elite' is comprised of choose and influential lobbyists, corporate elitists, and also the conservative governmental inner circle. The trilateral commission members clearly fit in to this internal "fascist elitist" inner circle.

Modern day conservatives buck the conventional order as much as they embrace it. They abhor secular progressive Supreme Court choices that overturn traditional values pertaining to marriage and life, that is a reasonable and defendable argument. Nevertheless, they would fortunately out law person freedom if it would advance their fascist conservative trigger and further empower them. They're a lot more "pro-war" then they are "pro- military" and so they wrongly think of them as becoming one within the same. They choose a "military offense" to "military defense" and I'm not speaking in terms of military tactical or strategic maneuvering. I'm speaking to a philosophical and ideological ideal.

They are quick to send Americas soldiers in to harms way supplied they on their own, or their members of the family, by no means need to lead the charge. Modern-day conservatives are fast to raise the flag but sluggish to serve it. Certainly you will find exceptions but this really is largely a standard and usual dynamic with the modern day conservative movement. Most modern-day conservatives are simply "military cheer leaders" that would battle only to remain our of a soldier's uniform. Most of them define the word "coward."

These modern-day conservatives believe nothing of turning their backs on America's military veterans once they've been spent and are no longer helpful. They point to handed veterans' appropriations but neglect to mention that they on their own fought most of those appropriations tooth-and-nail via the legislative procedure. Had they'd their way, our nations veterans would be penniless and with out adequate healthcare.

Modern-day conservatives abhor social welfare for the poor but embrace corporate welfare with frenzy. They are not just supporters of the entrepreneurial spirit and also the capitalistic ideal, which is good, but they'll also surrender the nation and its people to that a gross aberration of that perfect within the interest of corporate greed, that is bad. They are not just against taxation generally, they devise laws and methods to ensure firms and also the wealthiest amongst them can completely steer clear of taxation, particularly in off shore accounts and via creative accounting.

Most of our nation's wealthiest individuals are in these modern-day conservative ranks and they have gotten greedier then the human psychic can understand. They've wholly forsaken the "middle class" and, think it or not, with their secular progressive "give away every thing "liberal cohorts, they are on the verge of turning America in to a two class "rich and poor" society. The American center class is truly vulnerable to collapse.

Modern day conservatives speak a good line about being against "illegal immigration" but once they owned the presidency and each houses of congress they did absolutely absolutely nothing to prevent it. Rather they opened the avenues to illegal immigration and unlawful entry in to our nation more then doubled. Cheap exploited labor for the modern-day conservative ranks with the rich and greedy has become a mainstay for them, and America's immigration laws, and also the American worker, are damned because of it.

Modern day conservatives are content material in transferring as soon as safe and good paying jobs to distant foreign shores. There desperate, exploited, and frequently abused employees who're willing to operate for a pittance await these as soon as lucrative American jobs. The modern day conservatives believed absolutely nothing of leaving their loyal and tough working American employees stranded, destitute, unemployed and having to fed for themselves and their families in an increasingly aggressive market that provides only little much more then minimum wage to even college graduates. So, they gather to the unemployment lines and also the welfare system, with out health and dental insurance, both of which modern-day conservatives are reluctant to fund. Then they call their once proud American workers "lazy freeloaders." Modern day conservatives misplaced its compassion in an abyss of economic quicksand where it can't be retrieved.

Modern-day conservatives have turned fiscal responsibility in to a tax-and-spend extravaganza that tends to make the most ardent liberals proud. They are nonetheless strong on household and faith issues so long as they get to decide the dogma and doctrine of what is acceptable. I'm not talking about defending bible scripture, that is good, but residing outside the dictates of what they preach, that is poor. For instance they are against premarital sex, sexual promiscuity, adultery and "lusting in the thoughts," but numerous among them are known to have carried out some or all over with a fever. But, they hypocritically attack an immoral Hollywood, which truly is immoral. They rile about sodomy and homosexual marriage, which is their correct if faith and scripture primarily based. But they'd imprison a gay couple, consenting adults, who engage in gay sex within the privacy of their own home. To become against sodomy is defendable religious perception but to want to discriminate and deliver harm to those who do not conform to your belief program is in no manner a Christian principle. That is judgmental, taking part in God, and I believe God would object. It's an "extreme" conservative place that falls outside traditional mainstream conservatism.

The modern-day American politic has evolved in to a mean-spirited bastion of political extremes. The political center that was as soon as the mainstream of American political society was slightly correct of center. Some had liberal tendencies but nothing excessive. Some had more conservative tendencies but once more nothing excessive. They had been both patriots and so they liked each other even once they disagreed. They worked collectively for the good with the nation and each other. Their was seldom any polarization. That's now a distant memory of our better days.

Each parties are hijacked by the political extremes, the democrats on the left and republicans around the right. They offer only candidates that embrace one extreme or the other. Candidates that should "sell out" to extremist ideologies prior to the American individuals get the possibility to determine. America desperately needs a 3rd celebration. A party of moderation and atonement. A celebration of patriotism. A party that supports charge enterprise, capitalism and also the entrepreneurial spirit with out embracing the evil of greed. A celebration that cares more concerning the powerless then the powerful. A party of Judea-Christian values. A celebration of tolerance but not so tolerate as to embrace the excessive. A party that's somewhat right of center and embraces conventional American values and morals but isn't afraid of change. A party that won't lose its direction and sense of compassion. A celebration that will by no means stop caring about its individuals and one which reward tough operate rather than good marketplace guesses.

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To this day I am not quite certain whether it was the name of any human habitation, a lonely caserio with a half-effaced carving of a coat of arms over its door, or of some hamlet at the dead end of a ravine with a stony slope at the back. It might have been a hill for all I know or perhaps a stream. A wood, or perhaps a combination of all these: just a bit of the earth’s surface. Once I asked her where exactly it was situated and she answered, waving her hand cavalierly at the dead wall of the room: “Oh, over there.” I thought that this was all that I was going to hear but she added moodily, “I used to take my goats there, a dozen or so of them, for the day. From after my uncle had said his Mass till the ringing of the evening bell.”
I saw suddenly the lonely spot, sketched for me some time ago by a few words from Mr. Blunt, populated by the agile, bearded beasts with cynical heads, and a little misty figure dark in the sunlight with a halo of dishevelled rust-coloured hair about its head.
The epithet of rust-coloured comes from her. It was really tawny. Once or twice in my hearing she had referred to “my rust-coloured hair” with laughing vexation. Even then it was unruly, abhorring the restraints of civilization, and often in the heat of a dispute getting into the eyes of Madame de Lastaola, the possessor of coveted art treasures, the heiress of Henry Allegre. She proceeded in a reminiscent mood, with a faint flash of gaiety all over her face, except her dark blue eyes that moved so seldom out of their fixed scrutiny of things invisible to other human beings.
“The goats were very good. We clambered amongst the stones together. They beat me at that game. I used to catch my hair in the bushes.”
“Your rust-coloured hair,” I whispered.
“Yes, it was always this colour. And I used to leave bits of my frock on thorns here and there. It was pretty thin, I can tell you. There wasn’t much at that time between my skin and the blue of the sky. My legs were as sunburnt as my face; but really I didn’t tan very much. I had plenty of freckles though. There were no looking-glasses in the Presbytery but uncle had a piece not bigger than my two hands for his shaving. One Sunday I crept into his room and had a peep at myself. And wasn’t I startled to see my own eyes looking at me! But it was fascinating, too. I was about eleven years old then, and I was very friendly with the goats, and I was as shrill as a cicada and as slender as a match. Heavens! When I overhear myself speaking sometimes, or look at my limbs, it doesn’t seem to be possible. And yet it is the same one. I do remember every single goat. They were very clever. Goats are no trouble really; they don’t scatter much. Mine never did even if I had to hide myself out of their sight for ever so long.”
It was but natural to ask her why she wanted to hide, and she uttered vaguely what was rather a comment on my question:
“It was like fate.” But I chose to take it otherwise, teasingly, because we were often like a pair of children.
“Oh, really,” I said, “you talk like a pagan. What could you know of fate at that time? What was it like? Did it come down from Heaven?”


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The Ultimate Fighting Championship

It抯 no secret that martial arts has indeed come a long way over the years. Many years ago, Bruce Lee helped the arts become even more famous, when he developed his style of Jeet Kune Do. He participated in several movies, showing the world his speed and finesse. Since then, movies have been a popular way to showcase martial arts skills.

Back in the early 1990s, something known as the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) came along to take things one step further. Even though there have been other competitions similar to the UFC, none of them had the flair and the dedication as UFC did. When it first began, the UFC paired different styles and different weight classes.

The result were exciting fights with varying results. The first ever champion was a man from Brazil named Royce Gracie. Gracie was the first to introduce Brazilian Jui-Jitsu in this way, opening up the eyes of everyone who witness him fight. After the first UFC tournament, Brazilian Jui-Jitsu was instantly viewed as the best martial art. Royce weighed under 200 pounds, and he was completely dominating people nearly 3 times his size.

Gracie would go on to win UFC 2 and 4 as well. He was the most dominating in the sport, and opened the eyes of everyone across the world. In UFC 3, he didn抰 lose, although he ran into a very tough fighter who nearly beat him. Gracie came back in UFC 5 for a superfight match up with Ken Shamrock, which would go the distance and end in a draw.

Other fighters have done exceptionally well in the UFC, although none of them had the impact as Royce Gracie. Fighters like Ken Shamrock, Dan Severn, Oleg Taktarov, Matt Hughes, and Matt Sylivia have also done very well. Matt Hughes is also regarded as one of the best, as he fights in the Welterweight class and is considered pound for pound to be the best fighter in the world.

In the world of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), the UFC has made a big impact. In the beginning, there were no rules and no judges, just one on one fights until someone either tapped out, got knocked out, or the ref through in the towel. Fighters also fought in a tournament style as well, which took 3 fights to win the championship.

Over the years, there were several changes. The UFC would start with judges after a few years, along with eliminating the tournaments. The fights would eventually go to one on one, which was great for the fans. Although the fights didn抰 have time limits in the beginning, they do now. The non title fights are three 5 minute rounds, while the title fights are five 5 minute rounds.

If a fight goes to the judges, the judges decide the winner. There are three judges, which normally change with each different UFC. Judges are there do determine the winner if there is no knockout or submission, while the ref is there to protect the fighters. The referee can stop a fight as well, if a fighter is unable to defend themselves.

With all the changes in the rules of the UFC, it抯 only a matter of time before the UFC gains a lot more popularity. It is more popular today than it ever has been, which tells you that martial arts have come a long way. Martial arts is very popular these days, with competitions such as the UFC being one of the most popular sports in the world.


(word count 589)


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This is the age of mobiles, computers, laptops, iPhones, iPad, tablets. Even a kid of today takes the help of the mouse to get any sort of information. Keeping this in mind today抯 entrepreneurs should run their business in such a manner so that the clients can get the ready online access. But for the production house, it is not logical to hire the web designing, web development, SEO, logo/flash designing experts. For this reason the help from the web development company should be taken.

This helps in the promotion of the business, give the online page an attractive look for the clients and also help the page to rank high in the search engines. There are many web design company ?Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, etc that provides the best web solution. If you want your customers instead of wandering from one door to other get the access of your company with a single click, the online Business is your ultimate solution.

If your hunt is for doing something different to convince your customer to buy your products, then web development company ?Kolkata and others can give you the best solution. Now the question is which web design company ?Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore or Chennai is best for you?

The simple answer to this question is going to their home page; take a look of how they created their own one to attract the visitors. If you find their web pages are well enough with the designs, templates, look then be sure that your own website will also be taken care of, may be with different design as per your needs.

Many of the web development company - Kolkata and others can provide you with the portfolio of their previously designed works. You can go through them and get an idea of their skills and proficiencies. It has to be kept in mind that the website should not be created from the template. This is because sometimes the basic designs tend to remain the same and often the look and the themes are identical with other sites, the PHP development company ?Kolkata and other metropolis provide the best solution with the use of the scripting language ?PHP.

Experience of the CMS integration, eCommerce, PHP custom and as well as web development are being provided by many companies. PHP development company ?Kolkata and other cities many times provide the great platform doing simply wonders, the experienced developers of many companies provides exactly what is wanted from the applications. These are functional, creative and also are cost effective.

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Breast Compression

The sole purpose of breast compression is to continue
the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer
drinks on his own. Compression will also stimulate
a let down reflex and often causes a natural let
down reflex to occur. This technique may also be
useful for the following:
1. Poor weight gain in the baby.
2. Colic in the breast fed baby.
3. Frequent feedings or long feedings.
4. Sore nipples for the mother.
5. Recurrent blocked ducts
6. Feeding the baby who falls asleep quick.

If everything is going well, breast compression may
not be necessary. When all is well, the mother should
allow the baby to finish feeding on the first side,
then if the baby wants more - offer the other side.

How to use breast compression
1. Hold the baby with one arm.
2. Hold the breast with the other arm, thumb
on one side of your breast, your finger on the other
far back from the nipple
3. Keep an eye out for the baby's drinking,
although there is no need to be obsessive about
catching every suck. The baby will get more milk when
drinking with an open pause type of suck.
4. When the baby is nibbling or no longer
drinking, compress the breast, not so hard that it
hurts though. With the breast compression, the baby
should begin drinking again.
5. Keep up the pressure until the baby no
longer drinks with the compression, then release the
pressure. If the baby doesn't stop sucking with the
release of compression, wait a bit before compressing
6. The reason for releasing pressure is to
allow your hand to rest, and allow the milk to begin
flowing to the baby again. If the baby stops sucking
when you release the pressure, he'll start again
once he tastes milk.
7. When the baby starts to suck again, he
may drink. If not, simply compress again.
8. Continue feeding on the first side until
the baby no longer drinks with compression. You
should allow him time to stay on that side until he
starts drinking again, on his own.
9. If the baby is no longer drinking, allow
to come off the breast or take him off.
10. If the baby still wants more, offer the
other side and repeat the process as above.
11. Unless you have sore nipples, you may
want to switch sides like this several times.
12. Always work to improve the baby's latch.

(word count 416)



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30 Bookkeeping Basics. "Pick one to begin"

Certainly there could be no harder task than to choose the single best from so many important, yet different, bookkeeping basics. So let me help a little and pick three business bookkeeping tips, for different reasons.

#1) Get a business federal tax identification number. Otherwise known as an EIN (Employer Identification Number). Even if you don't have or never plan on having employees.

Why? Quite simply, because it is a smart safety precaution!

This way you can use your EIN for all business matters instead of your individual SSN (Social Security Number), which is something you never want to put in the wrong hands.

You may apply for an Employer Identification Number in various ways, but I recommend online.

This is the quickest and easiest way to go and is a free service offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

You may also want to check with your state to see if you need a state number or charter.


#2) Set-up new business checking and savings accounts. (If you haven't done so already).

People tend to underestimate how crucial this is to the foundation of their business. But this is definitely one of the important basics of bookkeeping.

Keeping your personal finances and business bookkeeping accounts separate may sound like more of a headache. But believe me; it will actually save you a headache. When it comes time to gather all of your income tax information at the end of each year, you are going to be very thankful that you had separate bookkeeping accounts from the beginning. Plus, there are very important IRS rules against the "co-mingling of accounts".

I signed up for my business bookkeeping accounts at a different bank than where I do my personal finances banking. Just personal preference, but I like keeping my interests separate from each other. You should do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

I do recommend that wherever you decide to do your banking, to also sign up for online access to your accounts.

I know many people are reluctant to do online banking, but I find doing my bookkeeping via online banking to be very convenient and safe.

Downloading transactions can save you a lot of time and energy which you can then put toward the things you really enjoy doing with your business!


#3) Decide on an accounting or bookkeeping software.

The last thing you want to spend your time doing is writing out your bookkeeping the old fashioned manual way.

There really are a lot of computer software programs to choose from.

I definitely would NOT recommend MS Money for your business bookkeeping. MS Money is great for keeping track of your personal finances, (this is what I use and DO recommend for personal finances) just not for business.

Quicken is only recommended for either personal or small business bookkeeping. It's oversimplified and so not very user friendly for larger business bookkeeping.

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Cocktails for a New Years Eve Party

In planning a New Years Eve party, one of the most exciting items is the selection of cocktails for the party. New Years Eve is a holiday which is largely associated with alcohol consumption. Those who attend these parties are likely to expect an array of interesting cocktails to celebrate the coming of the New Year and many hosts are more than willing to oblige their guests with an assortment of delicious and interesting cocktails.

When planning a New Years Eve party which will include children, it is important to plan on serving a wide variety of non alcoholic beverages in addition to the alcoholic cocktails for the adults. This is important because it will prevent the children from being envious of the interesting beverages the adults are drinking. It will also prevent the children from being curious about the drinks the adults are enjoying and attempting to sneak a taste of these beverages. Non alcoholic cocktails are also considered mocktails and can often be created to look just like the real beverages in a wide variety of colors, flavors and textures. Beverages such as the pina coloda, margarita and a variety of martinis can all be made in non alcoholic versions.

In planning cocktails for a New Years Eve party, you should consider offering a wide variety of beverages throughout the night. This could include both hot, cold drinks and even frozen drinks. One of the most popular cocktail options for a New Years Eve party is punch which is served from a punch bowl. This festive cocktail is typically sweet and contains ingredients such as fruit juices, lemon lime soda and an array of alcoholic ingredients such as vodka and rum. Some hosts may even include champagne in the punch mixture. Adding a scoop or two of sherbet to the punch bowl also helps to cool the beverage and adds an additional layer of taste and texture to the mixture.

Another popular option of a New Years Eve party is to offer one signature cocktail throughout the evening. This can be an item such as a Martini created specifically for the occasion with a seasonal feeling. An eggnog martini is an example of a beverage which is a great deal of fun as well as appropriate for the season. Champagne cocktails are also appropriate for a New Years Eve party. You can create a simply champagne cocktail by combining champagne with sweet vermouth and grenadine.

Hot cocktails are also popular options for a New Years Eve party. Spiked coffees and hot chocolates are always popular but for a more festive cocktail consider creating drinks with a hot cider base. You can create a luxurious hot chocolate cocktail by combining a butterscotch flavored liqueur with rich hot chocolate. An example of a hot beverage which is also quite festive is a hot cider spiced with cranberry juice and rum. Although hot cocktails are extremely popular, most guests will likely only drink one or two hot cocktails during the evening. Conversely they are likely to consumer significantly more cold cocktails during the course of the evening. For this reason, it is recommended to provide both hot and cold cocktails during your New Years Eve party.

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Are you one of the passionate individuals held sway by the magical spell of salsa? Then the one and only thought that dominates your being is the thought of learning salsa dancing. You would be rearing to go and join a salsa class to bring out the latent potential that has for long been hidden in you. Before venturing to join a salsa class, it is ideal to know if the salsa class possesses the potentials to convert a raw hand into a well-polished artist. How to gauge the success rate of a salsa class before making an attempt to join a class?

A well-organized salsa class comes with inherent features that help decide the success rates, as it also helps enthusiasts to glean the vital aspects of this dance genre to expand their salsa horizons further. The six sigma of a successful salsa class is an effective tool to gauge the potentials pertaining to a salsa class, and with it decide upon the impact produced by the class on the salsa buffs.

Student-centric approach

A salsa class becomes an effective tool to learn the skills and techniques of this dance form if the salsa lesson is constructed with a student-centric approach. Also, the salsa instructor who guides the learners during the learning sessions should embrace the student-centric approach, as he should treat the students at their own levels and help them learn the skills through this devoted approach. In essence, dealing with the students depending upon their potentials and levels is sure to produce effective results.

Usage of music

One of the quintessential features of a salsa class that produces phenomenal results is the usage of salsa music throughout the salsa lessons that get conducted, as the movements and the interpretation becomes intrinsic features pertaining to the salsa lesson. The salsa class should become the starting point for the enthusiast to get acquainted with the breaks and accents pertaining to the salsa music.

Feedback from salsa instructor

The prime element that not only helps students learn the salsa essentials but also happens to be a morale boosting factor is the feedback given by the salsa instructor. At the salsa class, when the salsa learning environment embraces a relaxed environ, and when the salsa instructor provides positive feedback to all the students who participate in the class, with the individual attention lavished upon the students, it becomes an effective medium to shape the salsa talent of many individuals.

Fast partner rotation

When the salsa class offers the facility that embraces the fast partner rotation pattern, the student enjoys the fun as well as learns the tricks of dancing with a partner quickly. Since salsa stresses on partner dancing, it would do a world of good for the enthusiasts if they chance upon different people as partners, as each of the partners tend to perform the same step in a different way.

Well-researched curriculum

The curriculum unveiled by the salsa class goes a long way in imparting the needed essentials, and a well-researched, student-centric curriculum that also takes the skill levels into consideration is sure to bring about the desired result of imparting the skills and techniques in an effective manner. Thorough researching, sound training principles and piloting must form the basis of creating the curriculum for the salsa class.

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Although getting off the no-fly list may seem like a long and frustration task, it is something that you will want to do. Chances are your name will not magically disappear from the list. This means that if you are planning on traveling, now or in the near future, you will want to take the appropriate steps to ensure that you will make it to your intended destination.


Word Count 679


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Paris Vacations
How to plan a vacation to Paris

When planning a vacation to Paris you want to consider activities, entertainment, meals, flight, and so on. Paris has a wide array of choices from sporting events to entertainment. No matter what you enjoy, you have options in Paris.
One thing you want to keep in mind while vacationing to Paris, i.e. in the country, there are many pickpockets on the street. Therefore, you want to plan to protect your belongings. If someone approaches you, make sure that you take measures to protect yourself, especially if the person is trying to get something from you.

In Paris, many people are staying at apartments. The hotels are nice, yet the apartments are cheaper. The apartments add extra living space while vacationing in Paris. Some of the apartments in Paris are on islands. Some of the areas are ancient neighboring environments stretched over the beautiful Seine River.
You can plan a stay at the apartments near the St. Martin Canal. The hole is conveniently located in central areas around Paris. Some of the apartments have Internet connection, which is ideal for writers, business personnel, and so on.
If you prefer to stay at a hotel then check out the list online. You have a wide array of hotels to choose.
How to choose passes in Paris:
If your purchase passes before you leave for vacation, you will save money. The passes include the Roissy Bus, which costs only $10. You can use this bus to travel to Paris�s popular airports, such as the Gaulle. In addition, you can purchase museum passes. The passes include transportation in some instances. If you purchase the passes in Paris, you will need to consider exchange rates. Online however, you can find the passes for the same amount you would spend in Paris.
If you intend to visit museums in Paris, you can find two day passes. The passes will take you to la Carte and to many monuments and museums in Paris. You are taking straight to the destination. The price of the passes is $40. Paris monuments and museums however allow children under eighteen free passes. If you are on a budget, you may want to get a three-day pass, which you will travel on the metro bus. The pass gives you limitless travel up to three days. The passes cost $13 for children ages 11 and below.
When choosing places to stay in Paris, be sure you research the market. Hotels and apartments are available for vacationers. The downside is many rooms cost $100 and up per night. Online you will find discounts, coupons, and packages that give you a break. If you plan to stay a few days in Paris, you may want to check out the travel packages, vacation packages, promotional packages, or other packages online.

You will find better deals by choosing the packages. The downside if you prefer to visit Paris without a tour guide, then forgets your plans. The packages have tour guides that take you to Paris�s main attractions. If you don�t mind tour guides then the packages is the way to go.
Packages often include flight, activities, entertainment, etc. You also get discounts on meals. Some packages include coupons for meals. If you choose cruise packages, all your items are paid with the package. Meals may or may not be included. Cruises are nice, since you board some of Paris�s most beautiful liners, which carry you across the fabulous shores of Paris.
To learn more about packages, planning, and more check out the many web sites online where you will find coupons, promotions, discounts, sales and more.

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Decorating with Greenery in the Home

One of the best things to remember when you're designing for home silk plants is the size of the plant. For instance, if you are looking to decorate for a kitchen table the best size is around one foot to two feet. Because these plants are meant to be noticed, choose ones with larger, less delicate leaves. However, choose taller, slimmer plants with long leaves when placing greenery in a corner. The more you plan ahead and experiment with different options, the happier you will be with the final result. Finally, remember that there are some notable benefits to silk plants: not only do they look realistic, but they do not require a lot of extra care and their lifetime is three times greater than that of real plants.

5-Minute Home Improvement Tips

Great interior decorating does not have to take a lot of time. Many ideas you can use to enhance your home only take a couple moments, if done on a consistent basis. First, find a place to record your ideas about things you would like to change or decorations you want to use. Your recorded thoughts will be the perfect tool for those days when you are free to work on a household project. A second suggestion: we spend so much time every day cleaning things that will have to be cleaned again tomorrow or next week. Each day, take a few minutes to take care of something you will not have to worry about again for a month or two. By taking a few extra minutes a day for this, you can keep your home looking great. You can also take a few minutes each day to learn new home decorating techniques. Online, in magazines, and even in department store ads are many ideas you may love to implement in your home. By taking a few minutes a day for each of these tasks, having a tidy and attractive house is much more attainable.

Learning What You Love in Interior Decorating

Interior design can be just as addicting as any other hobby. If you have been affected with the interior design bug, we have a couple suggestions to get to know your favorite styles a little better. A good beginner�s step to learning the art of interior design is to find out more about the subject. There are books, magazines, books on tape, forums, and blogs on this topic, just to name a few sources of information. There are many ideas that you can implement with just a little bit of knowledge or training. To get some specific ideas, turn to home decorating magazines. It will not take you long to narrow in on your likes and dislikes in the home d�cor world. Next is to choose your first project and run with it. Even if you end up with a less than perfect result, the experience you gain will be worth your time. Especially at first, this field is a process of trial and error, and the more you try, the more you learn!

Silk Roses

It is a growing trend in weddings to see more and more silk flowers among the decorations. The type of flower used the most to adorn weddings is the rose. Similarly, there is a growing trend for silk roses in homes today. Not only do silk roses last an extremely long time, but the similarity in appearance to real roses is almost perfect; both of these factors have led to the upswing in usage. If the roses are not well cared for, they will last a few years; if they are, they will stay beautiful for decades. Roses can be displayed in a variety of ways, from a garland wrapped around curtains to a silk rose arrangement for the dining room table. Remember that roses are best seen directly, so if your roses form your centerpiece, have some flowers pointing in different directions so that some can be seen from anywhere in the whole room. Another tip when decorating with silk roses is to add a drop of perfume to the roses from time to time in order to give them a faint pleasant aroma.


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Free Internet Marketing Methods that will Save your Internet Business

Best things in life are free, as many would say. This especially holds true with efforts in advertising one's products or services. With free Internet marketing services, one can save a lot. Instead of shelling out for the marketing aspect of your product or services, that chunk of money could be put to other important elements of your business since many information websites now offer knowledge regarding Internet marketing services that comes with no price tag at all.

This is not to tell you that better focus on plain Internet marketing. It still will do your business a lot good if you mix traditional advertisement efforts such as traditional and new marketing media.

Here are few of the free methods that you could employ to make your products and services be in their most visible, thus saleable, form.

1. Promote your business through free search engine submission and optimization.

Submit your website to various search engines monthly. This will make many more people know that your website actually exists. Aiming for the top search engines will help a lot in this endeavor.

2. Improve your articles.

Remember that information on articles with good content as traffic-bringer of websites? This time it's about making these articles serve your website better by using keyword suggestion tools that are offered for free. Update your web site's content by regularly checking the standing of your keywords with the current market.

3. Acquire free content.

If you have no time to increase the SEO or search engine optimization-friendliness of your articles, you can look for free content from article directories. All you need to do is retain the resource box of those write-ups.

4. Avail of free comprehensive web traffic analyzers.

These are tools that you can make use of without costing you a cent. Your website's hits statistics will be produced by this kind of Internet marketing tool for your own analysis.

5. Learn to manipulate web design templates.

You don't have to be too techie-geeky to be able to design your web site. Oftentimes, web design templates or custom-made layouts are available for the Internet marketer to use.

6. Monitor your website's visibility.

Tools such as search engine position trackers may be used to see your website's standing.

These processes are very convenient to use as long as you keep in mind that you use and try to master their use for your own benefit. Just don't get obsessed with your achievements when you finally learn how to use them and incorporate them in your Internet marketing feat.


louis vuitoon On the 26th of September

On the 26th of September, during the St. Petersburg visit, his third finished theatrical piece, Pamela Giraud, was produced at the Gaite Theatre. Differing essentially from his previous efforts, this play is an ordinary melodramatic comedy. Pamela, like Richardson’s heroine, is an honest girl, who, occupied in the humble trade of flower-selling, loves a young man, Jules Rousseau, that she believes to belong to her own modest rank, whereas, in reality, he is the son of a big financier. Involved in a Bonapartist conspiracy, which has just been discovered, Jules comes one night to her room and tries to persuade her to fly with him. She refuses; and, while he is with her, the police enter and arrest him. To save him she consents, though opposed by her parents, to say in Court that her lover had spent the night of the conspiracy with her; and Jules is acquitted through this false confession of her being his mistress. Once the happy result obtained, Jules and his family forget her. The lawyer, however, smitten by her beauty and virtue, proposes to marry her, and is about to carry his intention into effect when, remarking that she is pining for the ungrateful Jules, he contrives to bring him to Pamela’s feet again, and the marriage is celebrated.
Pamela Giraud was written in 1838, but no theatre had been willing to stage it in its original form. Ultimately two professional playwrights, Bayard and Jaime, who had already dramatized, the one, Eugenie Grandet and the Search for the Absolute, the other, Pere Goriot, pruned the over-plentifulness of its matter and strengthened the relief of various parts; and, in the amended guise, it was performed. Balzac resented the modifications, which explains his equanimity on hearing, as he travelled homewards, that the piece had fallen flat. He considered that, presented as he wrote it, the chances of success would have been greater. He was wrong, and those critics as well who attributed the failure to enmities arising out of a recent publication of his, entitled the Monography of the Press. Neither of the two chief dramatis personae was capable of properly interesting a theatrical audience. The character of Jules is contemptible from beginning to end, and that of Pamela ceases to attract after the trial. The conclusion of this play, as that of Vautrin, is an anticlimax and leaves an unsatisfactory impression.
Why did Balzac write his Monography of the Parisian Press? Not altogether from a pure motive, one must own. There is too much gall in his language, too much satire in the thought. He was sufficiently acquainted with the inner ring of journalistic life to be able to say truly what were its blemishes; and, without doubt, at the time when he composed the chief of his novels, these had a prejudicial effect on literature as on other phases of activity. But his pamphlet, besides its indiscriminate condemnations, erred in adopting a style which rendered the turning of the tables only too easy. And Jules Janin, whom he had already indisposed by sketching a seeming portrait of him in the Provincial Great Man in Paris, came down heavily on the daring satirist in the Debats of the 20th of February 1843. The retort, so he informed Madame Hanska, made him laugh immoderately. Perhaps; but the laugh must have been somewhat forced — what the French call “yellow.”

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Still more particular about his figure than his dress, he resented any suggestion that his silhouette had lost firmness and acquired volume; and once, when my friend Jacques-Emile Blanche was doing the fine seated profile portrait which is the only one that renders him AS HE REALLY WAS, he privately implored me to suggest to Blanche “not to lay such stress on the resemblance to Daniel Lambert.”
The truth is that he belonged irrevocably to the old America out of which I also came, and of which — almost — it might paradoxically be said that to follow up its last traces one had to come to Europe; as I discovered when my French and English friends told me, on reading “The Age of Innocence,” that they had no idea New York life in the ‘seventies had been so like that of the English cathedral town, or the French “ville de province,” of the same date. As for the nonsense talked by critics of a later generation, who never knew James, much less the world he grew up in, about his having thwarted his genius by living in Europe, and having understood his mistake too late, as a witness of his long sojourns in America in 1904, 1905 and 1910, and of the reactions they produced (expressed in all the letters written at the time), I can affirm that he was never really happy or at home there. He came several times for long visits to the Mount, and during his first visit to America, in 1904-5, he also stayed with us for some time in New York; and responsive as he always was, interested, curious, and heroically hospitable to new ideas, new aspects, new people, the nostalgia of which he speaks so poignantly in one of his letters to Sir Edmund Gosse (written from the Mount) was never for a moment stilled. Henry James was essentially a novelist of manners, and the manners he was qualified by nature and situation to observe were those of the little vanishing group of people among whom he had grown up, or their more picturesque prototypes in older societies. For better or worse he had to seek that food where he could find it, for it was the only food his imagination could fully assimilate. He was acutely conscious of this limitation, and often bewailed to me his total inability to use the “material,” financial and industrial, of modern American life. Wall Street, and everything connected with the big business world, remained an impenetrable mystery to him, and knowing this he felt he could never have dealt fully in fiction with the “American scene,” and always frankly acknowledged it. The attempt to portray the retired financier in Mr. Verver, and to relate either him or his native “American City” to any sort of concrete reality, is perhaps proof enough of the difficulties James would have found in trying to depict the American money-maker in action.
On his first visit, however, he was still in fairly good health, and in excellent spirits, exhilarated (at first) by the novelty of the adventure, the success of his revolt against his own sedentary habit (he called me “the pendulum-woman” because I crossed the Atlantic every year!), and, above all, captivated by the new experience of motoring. It was the summer when we were experimenting with “Alfred de Musset” and “George”; in spite of many frustrations there were beautiful tours successfully carried out “in the Whartons’ commodious new motor, which has fairly converted me to the sense of all the thing may do for one and one may get from it”; and this mode of locomotion seemed to him, as it had to me, an immense enlargement of life.

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I remember once saying that I was a failure in Boston (where we used to go to stay with my husband’s family) because they thought I was too fashionable to be intelligent, and a failure in New York because they were afraid I was too intelligent to be fashionable. An amusing instance of this point of view happened not long after my first book had come out, at a moment, that is, when I probably seemed to my New York friends at once more formidable and less “smart” than before I had appeared in print. I met a girlfriend, herself the epitome of all “smartness,” who told me that one of New York’s most fashionable hostesses had, rather apologetically, invited her to dine “with a few people who write.” “It will be rather Bohemian, I’m afraid,” the inviter added, “but they say one ought to see something of those people. I hope you won’t mind coming to help me out?” My young friend, who knew something of Paris and London society, was delighted at an innovation which promised to take us out of the New York rut, and so was I, for it chanced that I had been invited for the same evening. “Oh, what fun! Who do you suppose they’ll be?” I exulted, racking my brains to guess how our hostess, who was my cousin, could have made the acquaintance of the very people I was still vainly longing to know. The evening came, we assembled in the ornate drawing-room (one of those from which “The Decoration of Houses” had not cleared a single gewgaw!) and I discovered that the Bohemians were my old friend Eliot Gregory, most popular of New York diners-out (but who had the audacity to write an occasional article in a review or daily paper), George Smalley, the New York correspondent of the London “Times” — and myself! To emphasize our common peculiarity we were seated together, slightly below the salt, while up and down the rest of the long table the tiara-ed heads and bulging white waistcoats of the most accredited millionaires glittered between gold plate and orchids. Such was Fifth Avenue’s first glimpse of Bohemia, as personified by myself and two old friends!
I have often wondered, in looking back at the slow stammering beginnings of my literary life, whether or not it is a good thing for the creative artist to grow up in an atmosphere where the arts are simply non-existent. Violent opposition might be a stimulus — but was it helpful or the reverse to have every aspiration ignored, or looked at askance? I have thought over this many times, as I have over most problems of creative art, in the fascinating but probably idle attempt to discover HOW IT IS ALL DONE, and exactly what happens at that “fine point of the soul” where the creative act, like the mystic’s union with the Unknowable, really seems to take place. And as I have grown older my point of view has necessarily changed, since I have seen more and more would-be creators, whether in painting, music or letters, whose way has been made smooth from the cradle, geniuses whose families were prostrate before them before they had written a line or composed a measure, and who, in middle age, still sat in ineffectual ecstasy before the blank page or the empty canvas; while, on the other hand, more and more of the baffled, the derided or the ignored have fought their way to achievement. The conclusion is that I am no believer in pampered vocations, and that Schopenhauer’s “Was Einer ist” seems to me the gist of the matter. But as regards a case like my own, where a development no doubt naturally slow was certainly retarded by the indifference of every one about me, it is hard to say whether or no I was really hindered. I am inclined to think the drawbacks were outweighed by the advantages; chief among these being the fact that I escaped all premature flattery, all local celebrity, that I had to fight my way to expression through a thick fog of indifference, if not of tacit disapproval, and that when at last I met one or two kindred minds their criticisms were to me as sharp and searching as if they had been professionals in the exercise of their calling. Fortunately the fact that they were personal friends did not affect their judgment, and my craft was held in such small account in the only world I knew that I was always able to take the severest criticism without undue sensitiveness, and not unusually to profit by it. The criticism I have in mind is that given in the course of private talk, and not imparted by the reviews. I have no quarrel with the professional critics, who have often praised me beyond my merits; but the man who has to review fifty books a week, often on a great variety of subjects, can hardly deal as satisfactorily with any one of them as the friend talking over a book with a friend, and I have always found this kind of comment the most helpful.

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Waterproof Camera Bags: A Perfect Bag for Every Photographer

A photographer constantly carries around expensive photography equipments wherever they go in order to capture once in a lifetime moments. Just imagine you and your family taking a great vacation on an island resort. When you and your family took a boat ride, you suddenly saw dolphins swimming with the boat you are on. This is a perfect photo moment that you can your family can enjoy. However, you forgot all about your camera.

This situation can be frustrating. Taking pictures of memorable moments is a great way to get your memories to last a long time. It is also a great way to share it with your friends. However, it can also be potentially dangerous for your camera to be constantly carried around. This is why camera manufacturers and bag manufacturers alike are now selling camera bags where photographers can purchase it to provide additional protection for the camera.

These bags are built to be specially used for cameras. With camera bags, you will be able to protect your expensive digital camera while enjoy taking pictures of unforgettable moments that you wish to make more unforgettable and have something to share with your family and friends.

There are different camera bags available in the market today. Each camera bag is designed to be used by a specific camera for you to be able to maximize the protection. There are also camera bags with built-in foam padding for extra protection in case you accidentally bumped into a hard surface or you accidentally dropped it. This kind of bag will be able to protect your camera from bumps by cushioning it.

In case you like taking pictures of tropical islands, it will require you to get in the water. As you know, electronic devices, such as your digital camera, and water don�t mix. This is why it is important for you to protect your camera from getting water inside in order for you to effectively protect it and make it last a long time.

Today, there are camera bags available that is able to offer this kind of protection. This kind of camera bag is called the waterproof camera bag. As with other camera bags, the waterproof camera bags also comes in different sizes and designs. Some are designed to fit all camera equipments and some are designed to fit only a single camera. Others are designed to fit two cameras at a time. So, this will mean that you will have a variety of choices on which kind of camera bag you should get.

Waterproof camera bags are made with water resistant fibers that keeps water out. This means that even if you drop it on water, the sensitive and expensive electronic equipments inside will remain safely dry. You should also choose a waterproof camera bag that is able to float when you accidentally drop it on the water. This will make it easier for you to retrieve the bag. Besides, if it doesn�t float, it will just end up on the bottom of the ocean. Imagine, if you are taking a boat ride and you accidentally drop the bag. If you get a bag that floats, you can be sure that you will be able to retrieve it.

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Chances are if you抳e stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program in the past year then you抳e seen the 揵ig balls? You抳e probably wondered what all the fuss is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children抯 playground, but don抰 be deceived. These balls offer one of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core.

That is why the fitness industry is jumping on the ball bandwagon. According to the 2003 Idea Fitness Programs and Equipment Survey, 89 percent of IDEA businesses were offering balls to their customers and 71 percent had added ball group fitness classes in 2003.

Find it hard to believe that simply sitting, rolling or bouncing on a big inflatable ball can make you more fit? Read on to learn just how effective ball fitness can be.

While they are somewhat of a new craze in the public domain, the ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapists to assist with rehabilitation.

But, the ball is far more versatile and valuable then simply for re-hab use. It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball. And, both beginners and advanced exercisers can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it.

What makes this piece of fitness equipment so uniquely effective? It works multiple muscles at one time while forcing your body to balance itself. This creates a very effective and challenging workout. For example, lying on a bench to perform tricep extensions is a good exercise but it抯 limited to working primarily just the triceps. However, perform that same move on a stability ball and you have created an unstable environment. Additional muscles are activated that work to keep you balanced on the ball. That means you are now working harder and essentially getting more bang for your buck while not increasing your exercise time.

So, if you haven抰 already gotten on the ball, it抯 time to give it a try. You may think that your workout already provides everything you need but chances are you are focusing the majority of your exercise time on the lower body. It is essential to concentrate fitness time on your core, which is responsible for stabilizing the rest of your body. Having a strong core improves your performance in all activities, not just exercise but also daily activities like carrying groceries. The ball can help improve your posture, balance, and core strength. Virtually every exercise performed on the ball works your core area. And, yes, it can even help you get that sought-after six-pack!

Before you try out the ball be sure to choose the right size and firmness. The harder the ball is then the more difficult the exercise move will be. Therefore, beginners should probably choose a ball that is softer (e.g. not overly inflated). Also, it is important to choose the right size based on your height. The ball manufacturer or your fitness center can provide height guidelines.

As previously mentioned, the ball can be used for a total body workout. With the ball you can work your legs, arms, chest, back, abdominals and you can even get a cardio workout by doing such moves as sitting jumping jacks. Below are a few examples of the types of exercises that can be done with the stability ball.

Oblique Twist:

Begin lying with ball resting under your back. Place hands behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly raise up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Do not strain neck by pulling on it with hands. Keep elbows out to your side. Return to starting position and repeat then switch sides.

Chest Fly:

Lie across the ball with your head and shoulders supported on the ball and your legs bent with heals about two feet from ball. Extend arms overhead with palms facing away from you. Slowly separate your arms in a circular motion and bend your elbows slightly as lower your arms down and rotate your palms to face each other. Return to start position and repeat.

Squat Against Wall:

Lean your back against a ball that is placed against a wall and stand with your feet hip-width apart and about a foot away from the wall. Keep your back in a straight position. Bend your knees and let the ball roll up your back until your knees bend to about a 90 degree angle. Keep your knees behind your toes as you bend. Return to start position and repeat.


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Traditional Driving Block

Driving and blocking are the bases for a good lineman. The most traditional or basic block is a drive block. It is a simple yet effective way to move your opponent. The first step of this block is the scrimmage alignment, in order to drive to the right or left this basic block will push your opponent in the way that they are aligned, so if they are aligned to the right the drive will push them to the right. When driving start with your play side foot. Bring the other foot up quickly and make a solid contact for your drive.

Receivers: Ball Security Drill

When a receiver catches the ball they need to immediately put it into a secure ball carrying position. The points of a proper catch are: First, opening up your hands with an open triangle. Second, keep your eyes on the ball through the entire catch. Third, tuck the ball away security, keeping your eyes on the ball, so that it is in a high tight position. The problem is that receivers have a tenancy to start looking down the field before they have the ball properly secured. This increases fumbles and turnovers. To overcome this habit set up a simple drill where two players pass the ball to each other stopping at each critical step: the catch, the follow through, and the tuck.

Some fundamentals of ball security

You can�t run with the football until you have learned some basic ball security measures. Nothing is worse for your offensive team then turning it over carelessly to the other team in a fumble. There are four points to protecting the football. The first point is the claw, meaning that your fingers are wrapped over the tip of the football. The second point is your forearm wrapped around the ball and shielding it from the defense. Third point is to have the ball held tight against the bicep to prevent defenders from punching up through from behind. The final point is keeping the football high and tight against the ribcage. As a player, you will want to make sure that you are well practiced in this skill, and as a coach you should dedicate some time to ball carrying skills. By reducing the risk of a fumble you will increase the offensive strength in effectively driving across the field and scoring touchdowns.

Forcing the Fumble

In order to win football games you need to have possession of the football. The fastest way to gain possession of the ball is to force an offensive player to fumble the football. Practice dislodging the football on the field in pairs of players. As the offender runs ahead of the defender, have the defender bring his clenched hands up quickly, and forcefully, as he aims his hand at offender�s football. Start the drill slowly, and reward for a strong tackle that affectively tackles and makes an attack to dislodge the offensive players grip on the ball.
