
缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_317

ead and the red laser-pointer dot slipped to his cheek. Then it edged up to his glass eye once more. "There is room for-"
There was a bang, muted by the television speakers, and the side of Wednesday's head exploded. His body tumbled backward,foamposites for sale.
Mr. World stood up, his back still to the camera, and walked out of shot.
"Let's see that again, in slow motion this time," said the announcer's voice, reassuringly.
The words LIVE FEED became REPLAY. Slowly now the red laser pointer traced its bead onto Wednesday's glass eye, and once again the side of his face dissolved into a cloud of blood. Freeze frame.
"Yes, it's still God's Own Country," said the announcer, a news reporter pronouncing the final tag line. "The only question is, which gods?"
Another voice-Shadow thought that it was Mr. World's, it had that same half-familiar quality-said, "We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."
On Cheers, Coach assured his daughter that she was truly beautiful, just like her mother,jordans for sale.
The telephone rang, and Officer Liz sat up with a start. She picked it up. Said, "Okay. Okay. Yes. Okay." Put the phone down. She got up from behind the counter, and said to Shadow, "I'm going to have to put you in the cell. Don't use the can. The Lafayette sheriff's department should be here to collect you soon,air max express."
She removed the cuffs and the hobble, locked him into the holding cell. The smell was worse, now that the door was closed.
Shadow sat down on the concrete bed, slipped the Liberty dollar from his sock, and began moving it from finger to palm, from position to position, from hand to hand, his only aim to keep the coin from being seen by anyone who might look in. He was passing the time. He was numb.
He missed Wednesday, then, sudden, and deep. He missed the man's confidence, his attitude. His conviction,air max outlet.
He opened his hand, looked down at Lady Liberty, a silver profile. He closed his fingers over the coin, held it tightly. He wondered if he'd get to be one of those guys who got life for something they didn't do. If

